Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Uncommon Common Sense

September 22, 2012 by tdomf_aba9a  
Filed under Integrations

It is said the simplest truths (or honesties, if you prefer) are the most profound. It’s hard for me to believe the Prime Law has not been thought of until now. What I can’t grasp now is why there are so many who still don’t see it. To me, it is a no-brainer to elect Jill Reed as president, get the protection-only budget passed, watch the Great Replacement Program take place and then it’s off to the races for Neothink. It is hard for me to see why anyone, once they have seen this, would vote any other way.

I have had a chance at a business opportunity of my own and some training was offered as part of it. I was taking some college courses as part of the training and to complete an assignment I wrote a paper contrasting the Prime Law and the TVP with the mainstream political parties. To me, the Democrats equal socialism. Look at where we are now as a country. Our bureaucrats are armed and the government has taken over some of the main industries (auto takeovers and bank bailouts) and the taxation is becoming punitive. What we are now in this country fits the definition of socialism. The Republicans have become “death by a thousand cuts”. They seem to be worried about what others think of them, and pushing the morality that they do, this makes sense when we consider where it came from – the Church, where it is not all about doing good, it is all about appearances and keeping people in line by using guilt. The Republicans have their sacred cows that they need tax money for just like the Democrats. They will get us to socialism also, albeit more slowly. (Does the reader feel nauseated yet?)

Now let’s talk about the Twelve Visions Party – a government of service, not initiatory force… one that will make ALL the people rich, including the poor… that will create a world where a genius or artist or entrepreneur is free to CREATE VALUES and HAPPINESS for themselves and others… where no one is punished for achieving, where anyone can be their very best for themselves and for others… in a world where it is safe to dream and dream BIG. I like the sound of this kind of world. I like the idea of being happy and bringing happiness to others… of leaving frustration and stagnation and hopelessness and despair in the rear view mirror and riding off into the sunset… with NEOTHINK!!!

(hmm… maybe I got a little carried away there…)

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