Friday, March 7, 2025

Level Nine Integrations

May 16, 2012 by tdomf_aba9a  
Filed under Integrations

Dear Mark/Joan,

Wow! Level nine was a lot to take in.
I really believe that the benefits to everyone down the road will be life changing. I will review the other meeting levels discussed as well as reread the “Forbidden System” info again as it will take several readings to take it all in. Great meeting and look forward to next months meeting.

Thank you again,

Bill Ames

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

3 Responses to “Level Nine Integrations”
  1. Joan Raymer says:

    Hi William!
    Yes! reading Mark’s teachings over and over is the road to Ten Second Miracles! Those puzzle pieces just keep snapping together!
    Your mentor,

  2. Hi Mark and Joan,
    Level 9 was mind strech to the limit. It took me 2 days to read and take note of what was in ” “Forbidden system”, It is very true to what Mark Hamilton wrote in the 110-pages. We the people for so many years has been abuse and our rights removed from us for so many years up to this present time, Things has change as we go through what our Genius put us through high tech World has caught up with our politicians, lawyers, judges, bureaucrats that now they can not hide behind laws and regulation that they have use against us for so many years. the story of a very young man James J.Hill who is in my opinion was a true American Genius who work himself up the ladder and knew his plan and built a railway line that also help the ordinary people become business partner along his line which he had build on trust and loyal partner who went with Mr.James Hill all the way to the end, While on the other hand the Government help 3 other business company that use tax payers money and was dishonest about it dealing and the line was just build for the sake of being paid by the government with no proper planing put to it. In the end James Hill was making money on it own while the others wait on the government to help them and bail them out of bankruptcy. It sad that James Hill even moved to capital Washinton to show Congressman that he know why they fail, but they ignore his honesty business idea as to me they knew they will lose office if they support James Hill, instead they attack him by putting in place laws and regulation that destroyed James Hill geniuses business idea and motive even across to Asia, Japan,China,India, and Europe. If the U.S. government had listern to James Hill back then. The U.S. will still hold the best and strogest in the world on all front from Business to Military. It like we have gone through a circle were went right around and return to it original point. As I have mention in the past the only way out is for all to see and vote on our Prime Law that will put in place government that will not abuse or use force against us. Laws and regulation that are in place to help us all, not make our life hard, bureaucrats and politician, lawyers, judges free from corruption and dishoneties. this will give us all the condition for us fufill our dreams of to prosper and live happily. Everything that happen in the U.S. also happen here in Australia were government behaved like terorist, they make laws and regulation that stop us from moving forwards. Mark the book was very good and thank you very much for your hard work and for also giving me the time to read and give you what I have read and see in your book. God Bless You and All Neothink Secret Society and TVP World. God Bless America.

  3. Hi Mark and Joan,
    Like wise lot’s has been taken away from us for so many years by both State and Fedral Governments, that hinder our chance of moving forward to the future of being big time business geniuses, instead we were hold back by bureaucrats and flaw laws and regulations. I remeber the first computor that i got, it was very expensive at the time, now computor and mobile phones and laptop are very cheap and they work much faster now then before. You can store more things on your computor and mobile phones then before, your operation system run faster and much better than 5 years ago. Mark Hamilton was right by saying that our fore fathers has missed the most important ingredient that gurantees our FREEDOM and Soaring Standards of Living For Ever. They fight hard for Live and Death back in their times and many lives were lost on both sides. and yet we seem to move back towards the dark ages again. In the last 5 years advacing technologies has help us all in the whole World move forwards in business, communication, health, wealth, but our buying power was limited to a few millionaires and not all benefit from it.

    That why our Prime Law is the solution to our world Economic, for Universal Wealth and Health
    as our human Life is to Prosper and live Happily. Our Prime Law will control Perfection and Imperfection that will gurantees our FREEDOM and Soaring Standards of Living Forever, rapidly advacing technologies, buying power and social good improve, our Structure, Thinking, Motivation gone through the roof. We change the way we live and leave behind our old ways and the new come in for ever.There is job explosion, wealth, health, safety. The old saying Money Talks, Abuse Walk. The government now must hear our voice and cry for help to stop their laws and regulation that hinder us from moving forward. The way the world look now is we are back in the red as due to very poor managements by our governments and governments all over the world. People lives now is at the worst, no jobs,foods, many people are at risk of dying. More to come……. God Bless Mark Hamilton and all other Neothink Secrect Society and TVP members. God Bless America.

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