Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Level 9 Integrations

April 9, 2012 by tdomf_aba9a  
Filed under Integrations

HI Mark. This was an exciting and enlightning meeting into the future which starts now. I can see it already happening everyday. I have already left the anticivilization behind and I am ready for the civilization of the universe. I hope to see you one day in person to thank you for bringing me and so many others into this new and exciting world full of love and peace.

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One Response to “Level 9 Integrations”
  1. Annette E. says:

    Had trouble entering my level 9 intergration. This is it:
    this was a very exciting and interesting meeting. When every household receive the Neothink pamphlet there will be a multitude of people ready for a new way of life. Presently there is frustration, untrust and other emotions towards the current government and those that were elected to represent the people- they do not have our interest at heart, only theirs and the 1% elite. It is time for a Twelve Vision World. What a country we will have if there are many clubhouses in every state. All of the geniuses can come forward and add their value to this world as they were meant to do. I am looking forward to Lesson 10. I have been learning so much these past 9 months.

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