Saturday, January 11, 2025

Level 9- Further Down Rabbit Hole

December 26, 2011 by tdomf_aba9a  
Filed under Integrations

Happy Holidays Mr. Hamilton,
I am so very glad and humbled by all that you have done. I said awhile back I wanted to see just how far the rabbit hole goes, well ,how about a big WOW!
I joined you on this journey because of what I was looking for-the only problem
was that I was alone @ that time, searching the vastness looking for someone who had the same kind of questions. Now having found others, and no longer alone, gratitude is my mainstay. I’ve contacted my local clubhouse, and am onboard with bringing
about the C of U, ASAP!

As I read the booklet, I thought about a pamphlet, I recieved almost a year ago. I went back through my notes and have gone back to various archives throughout this journey just make sure I am thorough. I “see all the powers at work”. I smile @ the thought of the establishment of the 12 Visions World in my lifetime. I see no reason why I should call the highlight of my life “waiting to die”. Well, I for one plan on being around a very long time.
I’m so very glad to have this time with you and grow appreciative of the essences you’ve shared almost hourly. I say that because of the truths I learned to see, that were hidden in plain sight.(and people wonder why I play hidden object games for relaxation)As I close, please know Mr.Hamilton, I’ve not changed my mind,I’m yet here and will always be here with you and all who yearn for the true freedoms found only in the Civillization of the Universe As always-I bid you Peace

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One Response to “Level 9- Further Down Rabbit Hole”
  1. Egon Uhl says:

    I enjoed lesson nr 9.You doing a great job in amerika,but we in australia,[i live in Queensland]We are miles away from your progress.we have about 40 odd members,spread out over the continent,we have 5 clubhouses in 5 states,and we need minimum 500 members in most states just to get will come one day,but i am sure it is not tomorow.i wish i could speed things up a little bit [my next birthday nr is 80] so i cant afford wasting to much time,because i like to see that poeple get out of there rut,but there is an old saying in australia:you can lead a horse to the water,but you cant make them drink: Well that can change one day,i hope it is not to long away. Egon

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