Sunday, February 23, 2025

Still moving forward

April 2, 2018 by Samuel Jackson  
Filed under Integrations

Being the eclectic that I am I am still inspired by the greater vision, and I look forward to greater days ahead.

level 9 meeting

January 27, 2018 by Jerry T.  
Filed under Integrations

I am glad we are on the move with the TVP. movement. I have talk to several people a little about it and have gotten some good response from them. I had a feeling that a lot of people are ready for this change in the government.

Level 9 meeting

November 15, 2017 by Louis R.  
Filed under Integrations

Mr. Hamilton this level 9 meeting is Fantastic. I will be going over the Meeting again and will be back with a final Integration.

Level 9 Visionen Teil 2

October 6, 2017 by hella kirchner  
Filed under Integrations

lehren uns,wie Kinder zu spielen,Wertschöpfung,Kreativität,integriertes Denken um erfolgreich und glücklich zu werden.Das Schicksal von Herrn Hill wiederholt sich nicht,wir haben unser Hauptgesetz und unsere TVP.Die Prpbleme mit unserer Gesundheit sind nicht zu übersehen und ernst zu nehmen. Ich heile ohne Antibiotikum,mit Erfolg und würde es Ihnen gern zeigen.Man könnte damit allen helfen, bis unsere Genies […]

zu Level 9

October 5, 2017 by Hella Kirchner  
Filed under Integrations

Mein lieber Her Hamilton, es tut mir so leid für Sie, daß ich nicht in dem Rahmen des Zeitfensters geschrieben habe Ich wußte es nicht. Ich bin erschrocken. Am Dienstag,d.3.10.2017 half mir jemand bei dem Übersetzen. Es ist ja sehr viel und ich wollte nichts verkehrt tätigen. Ich vertraue dieser Person und eher klappte es […]

Level 9

September 19, 2017 by Hella Kirchner  
Filed under Integrations

Mein lieber Herr Hamilton, zuerst Danke für die beständige Fürsorge und Liebe,welche Sie mir und allen Menschen entgegen bringen.Welches Glück bei Ihnen“ uns“ sein zu dürfen.Danke,daß Sie meine Krankheit verstanden haben und ich somit die Zeit der Heilung habe.Zu Ihrer Info:ab 11.1.2017 mein Seminarbeginn. Ab28.3.2017 totale Schmerzen der Muskulatur(Arme, Hände,Schultern,Beine, Popo ).Schmerzlevel 1-10 ich 9-10 […]

Level 9 Int.

August 29, 2017 by M. Devoe  
Filed under Integrations

Another good one indeed. Thank you MH for this lesson.

TVP Moving Forward

July 22, 2017 by Mike Babcock  
Filed under Integrations

I am excited to see that the TVP is steadily moving forward with its goals. It is amazing how accurate this information is on the current stuff that is going on, even though this stuff was written years ago! Just like with my three Nouveau Tech heirloom packages. You can truly tell the future with […]

Integration LEVEL ,9

May 17, 2017 by Janet G  
Filed under Integrations

With everything that has been happening to me and around my Life, leads me to feel I am heading in the right direction. Grandchildren education, healthy medical treatment, government as Services instead of career all covered by PRIME Law.

philip munger

March 7, 2017 by philip m.  
Filed under Integrations

i have some medical problems that keep me from reading these quickly but i get it done .from headaches to nerve damage i get up and push myself to do my work with building or rebuilding a future that was destroyed by guess who your number one fan YES this is one of the reasons […]

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