Monday, February 24, 2025

12 Visions –

May 22, 2011 by tdomf_aba9a  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mark,

I am not sure if my last post was received so I will add just a little more. These lessons-way of a new life are almost mind boggling. It seems almost too good. The greed of the world is out of hand and that is what is causing all the war and strife in our world. (Power and Greed!) I feel it will be difficult to take away this power and greed by the powers that be who want to destroy and control the masses. It is a large task and undertaking, it will have it’s risks I am sure. I would vote for a 12 visions party though-even if I weren’t doing these lessons. I am sure when the people see the visions they will follow. I do know everyone wants a better life. We all have worked very hard in our lives to try and give our families a better life then we had. I was the eldest child of eight and times were lean. It helped me to get to where I am though so I do not complain. I do feel some songs coming to my soul about this new under taking. I am releasing a new song titled “Ordinary People” this fall and it is a song about one person can’t do much but put us all together and ya really have a team-Doing Extraordinary Things. (Maybe like Neothink.) I wrote the song when Hurricane Katrina happened in the Gulf States. My Friday Night Essence Is Writing. It always has been. As i see this new world expanding I will be inspired to write probably everyday or night. I spend at least two to four hours everyday writing but feel it will turn into eight or nine. I need a new computer so maybe that will come too. I just received an email that i was runner up in the song of the year contest and received an award and letter. It was a world wide contest so that makes me proud even though i was not in the money. It gives me more credence in my writing. It gives me a reason to get up and get with it every day. After my world peace article is edited I will be sending it off to magazines. There is a lot to think about when you write about an article such as peace. Some similar aspects that are talked about in Neothink are in my article but I wrote the first 2 pages of the three page article before I even knew about Neothink. It was just a different word but the meaning is still the same. I am not a detail person but I am a big picture person so I have seen some of these puzzle pieces before. Also I have been in different realms. I know without a doubt that they exist. One realm or the matrix is where the great minds are collected and that is why there are these break throughs in Medicine, Science and Politics. I feel there is a collective mind. I have always known this and I still feel this way even after doing these lessons. It might go against what most believe. when I visited Trumps Casino in New Jersey I was offered a job on the spot to be part of the Public Relations Team. I turned it down because I live clear across the country. I sometimes wish I would later have taken the job placement. Trump is very business oriented and smart. I am going to go back over the lessons again. I may write again. My daily life- writing seems to kind of go along these same lines. More later after I read through the lessons again.

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